Dienstag, 5. April 2016

Video responses

Hi everybody,
finally, here's the video responses to your pieces.

It's great fun to go through all of your notes and prototypes.
I think we're on track to get things done successfully once I'm there.

You will see that I am performing/videotaping at home which is due to some change at my workplace which made the room unavailable for a bit.

Please don't go by the sound of the cello too much - I am using a small VOX rehearsal amp...

If there are any further questions, suggestions and comments, you can either post them here or send me an email. Also, depending on your class schedule we could do one more video conference.

Very much looking forward to meeting you all in person and working with you.


2 Kommentare:

  1. This is Leon, for the Distorted Bach Piece. I was wondering if you could pack your own second bow for the piece during its second half? It would certainly make the logistics easier as I don't own or have access to a cello or the related equipment and would give you control on the type of bow you would desire for the person playing against you using said bow.

    1. Hi Leon, yes, by all means. I was thinking the same thing and will bring two bows. Thank you for thinking of that detail, though. See you in a few days!
